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I joined Fit to Be Fab over a year ago after a young girl offered her seat to me on the train. I was mortified because she thought I was pregnant! At that time, I had never either gone to a gym, done any daily workouts, or tried dieting. I was not happy, hiding under cardigans and loose clothing.

I found the team at Fit to Be Fab to be understanding, informative and very encouraging. The meal plans are easy. Although I haven't given up chocolate completely, I made many recommended changes. The workouts are sometimes tough, but are definitely worth it. Many women try out for a few months, don't see results, get discouraged, and quickly give up. You need to invest in yourself. Give yourself time and have patience. Following the rules does pay off in a long run! Joining this gym was the best decision I've made for myself!

 - Liz, 44 Years Old

When I came to Fit to be Fab in early January, I was 65 - 75 pounds overweight, diabetic on insulin, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I chose Fit to be Fab for two reasons: the Studio has been in town for many years and it is only four blocks from my house, which is very convenient.

When I joined the staff took a lot of time to educate me on exercise and proper nutrition. I had not worked out for 25 years, so I appreciated the help! The Staff's knowledge and expertise is phenomenal! They were very patient and knew what I could accomplish and adjusted my workouts accordingly. Although at first I did not really like to exercise, now I enjoy it and even look forward to it! The entire staff’s support continue to be very motivating for me. I now do the treadmill at home, on the days that I’m not at the studio.

But above all, I’m most excited about changes in my health status. My blood pressure has gone to well within medical guidelines, I am off insulin, my cholesterol has gone from horrible to pretty good, and I have lost almost 40 lbs!

Prior to the weight loss I could not bend over to tie my shoes or pick up something that I dropped on the floor. I believe that Fit to be Fab have literally saved my life!

 - Terri, 65 Years Old

Like most working parents life with 3 kids left little time to take of myself. As the years slipped by my body also slipped farther away from my health goals. Inconsistent group exercise classes usually did more harm than good, as large group instructors cannot watch the movements of all 30+ participants. A mild health issue served as the final straw to motivate me into getting healthier and I came to the Studio in May 2014. The convenient work out appointments helped keep me keep my health a priority. The trainers also provided me with food advice that helped me make a lifestyle change that has benefited my entire family. As I prepare and consume healthy meals/snacks so do my kids. As time passed the choices became easier as a new norm replaced older habits. The kids now ask for protein bars rather than Twinkies in their lunch!

 - Heather, 48 Years Old

I have been a member for over one year and have had excellent results after joining Fit to be Fab! I lost almost 30 pounds in this time and feel so much better! When I went down 2 clothing sizes my friends started noticing and complimenting me and began asking me what am I doing differently. I am very happy with all the aspects of the Program, but especially with the following:

• Individual conferences to discuss and guide my nutritional low carb meal planning, snacking and recommendations on water intake

• Caring and experienced physical trainers who are focused on meeting the needs of all individual clients. I find trainers to be very delightful and knowledgeable. I could feel a renewal of energy within a short time!

• Special attention from the trainers and owner to check on me when I’m not at the studio

Although I have almost reached my goal, I plan to continue because I know that my workouts have given me my muscles tone and strength that I didn’t have before and at 69 years old, I really must take care of myself! Thanks to all the trainers for your constant persistent and reassuring efforts. You all are such an asset to my feeling alive again!!

 - Nancy, 69 Years Old

I had my moment of inspiration to lose weight again when I was with my nephew and I could barely keep up with him. I didn’t want to be too out of shape to even play and have fun with my nephew so I decided to start dieting. I lost about 20 pounds but hit a plateau. About that time I got a call about a special offer at the Studio and decided to join. I really liked the trainers at the gym and felt very motivated. I am not a gym person. I have joined gyms and literally never gone. I think they are too intimidating, but I have never felt that way at Fit to be Fab. I look forward to working with the different trainers and really pushing myself. I made going to the gym part of my routine and started making better food choices. I have lost a little over 30 pounds in the 5 months I have been going to the Studio. Even though the holidays have been hard, I have maintained my weight. I try to make good choices when eating at work and rarely miss a training session. I hope to reach my goal weight by continuing to work hard and staying motivated. It has been a great experience for me and I feel so much healthier and happier since I started."

 - Kim, 37 Years Old

Fit To Be Fab has changed my life since I joined the program last year! Initially I joined for 3 months only, and here I am almost a year later, finding it challenging to "let go". I joined at 201 pounds, not feeling well, and in 10 months I was able to lose over 40 pounds with the staff's support, and guidance. However, the "secret" is I had to persevere with the diet recommendations, and stick to the exercise routine. The "appointments" to exercise are what worked best for me - they served as a reminder to the commitment I made to reach a healthy weight. I'd like to lose another 10 pounds, and I know Fit To Be Fab will help me succeed by my 1-year anniversary in April. The staff is warm, caring, and committed to their clients' success...that is the other component of this program which worked a miracle for me. When I first started, I had no faith in my ability to ever lose weight again, but the staff's welcoming warmth, support, and confidence in my abilities, allowed me to succeed...and I'm eternally grateful ❤️😊

 - Claudia, 47 Years Old

Losing weight was so much easier when I was younger. After my children were born I was able to lose weight through nutrition and exercise and kept it off through my mid-thirties. But then I started gaining weight at about 41 and felt that I no longer had control or the tools needed to fight it. When I received a flyer in the mail from the Studio decided I would try it. At first, I did not like that you couldn’t come when you wanted but that quickly changed, as I realized the importance of keeping the appointments. The accountability and meal plans led me to a healthy lifestyle and that is what I believe Fit to be Fab is all about -- it is in a business of transforming the lives of women! The team at the Studio is wonderful and having the right team is critical. They take the time and talk with you. They all would make sure I have the proper form. I love the benefits I am receiving: clearer mind, stronger, more energy, and endurance.

 - Sandra, 55 Years Old

Over the years I let myself go and the pounds kept piling on. But when one of my sons announced that he was getting married, I knew this was the motivation I needed to address my health and weight issues. Around this time I received a flyer from the Studio and decided to give it a try. This was one of the best moves I’ve made in years! In the period of 6 months I have lost over 25 lbs. My success is attributed to faithfully following the nutrition and exercise plan. Since I have been following the nutrition plan I find that even on my day off I eat less than I used to. In addition to feeling so much better physically, I also feel much better mentally and emotionally about myself now that I am losing weight and getting in shape.

 - Josephine, 69 Years Old

I love coming to the Studio every day that I am scheduled. Of course the exercises can be difficult at times, but the trainers and all the other ladies are all so supportive of each other. I love the atmosphere here because you always feel welcomed and you know that everyone is there for the same reason. My goals are to just become healthier and to lose weight. So far, with the help of the trainers, I have made a ton of progress! I am so glad that I decided to join Fit to be Fab because they have helped me turn my dreams of getting healthier into reality!

 - Allie, 18 Years Old

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